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A housing adaptation grant may be provided where changes need to be made to a home to make it suitable for a person with a physical, sensory, or intellectual disability or mental health difficulty.

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Who can apply?

Owner-occupiers and long-term tenants of domestic residences can apply for the scheme. To qualify the house concerned must be where you normally live. If you’re not the owner you must get their permission to carry out the works.

To be eligible for a grant your annual household income must be less than €60,000.

What can the funding be used for?

The types of works allowed under the scheme include the provision of access ramps, downstairs toilet facilities, stair lifts, accessible showers, wheelchair access, and other works considered necessary.

How much is available?

The scheme is designed so that the grant could cover a significant proportion of the costs of the works, but it will not cover all of the costs.

The grant is means-tested, so the proportion of costs that the grant could cover depends on annual household income.

If annual household income is less than €30,000, 95% of the cost of the works (up to the maximum grant amount of €30,000) could be grant aided. 

For those with annual household incomes of €50,001 to €60,000 the amount available tapers down from 95% to 30% of the cost of the works.

Households with an annual income over €60,000 are not eligible for the grant.

How to apply?

Download the application form from the housing grants section on your local authority's website. You can also contact your local authority and ask them to send the form to you. Once you complete and return the form your local authority will assess your application.