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Showing 1 - 12 of 165 results
Horse ownership
Horse ownership Services Veterinary and Animals Local authorities promote responsible ownership of dogs and horses, and inspect animal welfare and food safety at small abattoir facilities. Anyone who wishes to own horses (including horses, donkeys, mules, … -
Dog ownership
Dog ownership Services Veterinary and Animals Discover your responsibilities as a dog owner, how to get a dog license, restricted breeds, penalties for not complying with dog ownership laws. Dogs can be a joy. But as any experienced dog owner understands, … -
Abattoir regulations
Abattoir regulations Services Veterinary and Animals Local authorities are responsible for supervising small, approved meat processing and slaughter facilities in their area. Local authorities are responsible for supervising small, approved meat … -
National Programmes
Sláintecare Healthy Communities
Sláintecare Healthy Communities Sláintecare Healthy Communities is a partnership between local authorities, the HSE and the Department of Health to provide increased health and wellbeing services in 19 community areas across Ireland. The aim of … -
Vacant sites
Vacant sites Services Planning and Building Find out about how local authorities bring vacant sites back into productive use and encourage development in areas where it’s needed. Vacant sites are lands that are bigger than 0.05 hectares and considered by … -
Building regulations
Building regulations Services Planning and Building Local authorities are responsible for enforcing building regulations. These are important for protecting the public and cover issues like fire safety and accessibility. Ensuring that buildings are safe, … -
About Local Government
Local elections
Local elections Local elections are held every five years in the month of May or June. To vote in a local election, you must be eligible to vote and registered to vote in your local electoral area. To stand as a candidate in a local election, you must go … -
About Local Government
Regional assemblies
Regional assemblies Regional assemblies are responsible for making decisions on strategic planning and EU funding for their region. The assemblies help to co-ordinate the work of local authorities. In this section There are three regional assemblies in … -
Grants and Funding
Local Enhancement Programme (LEP)
Local Enhancement Programme (LEP) This programme provides funding to small community groups, particularly in disadvantaged areas, so they can make improvements to their facilities and buy equipment for community use. The funding is provided by the … -
Grants and Funding
Tidy Towns Support
Tidy Towns Support Tidy Towns is an annual competition that honours Ireland’s tidiest and most attractive cities, towns and villages. Voluntary and community groups come together and work on visual improvements to their neighbourhood so they can vie for a … -
Grants and Funding
Agile Innovation Fund Grant
Agile Innovation Fund Grant The Agile Innovation Fund is a support provided to small businesses and micro enterprises to enable them carry out research or to develop new business processes to expand their business. It’s available to clients of Local … -
Grants and Funding
Business Feasibility Study and Innovation Grant
Business Feasibility Study and Innovation Grant Feasibility Study Grants are designed to help small businesses to research market demand for a product or service and examine its sustainability. It includes assistance with innovation including specific …