Your Local Government Services Information about the services your local authority offers and how you can benefit from them. Search Local Government Services Keywords Category - Any -Arts and CultureBusiness and EconomyCommunityElectoral RegisterEmergency ServicesEnvironmentHeritage and ConservationHousingLeisure and RecreationLibrariesPlanning and BuildingRoads and TransportTourismVeterinary and AnimalsWaste ManagementWater Services Search the entire site instead Arts and culture Local authorities promote the arts and creativity through support for festivals and events, arts and cultural centres, and grants for artists. Business and economy To help businesses grow, local authorities can offer support and advice and provide business grants through the Local Enterprise Office. Community Local authorities support community and volunteer groups, encourage community development, and promote accessibility and inclusion. Electoral Register Playing a important role supporting Irish democracy, local authorities manage and update the Register of Electors for all the voters in their area. Emergency services Local authorities provide vital emergency services, including fire services, Civil Defence, water safety, and response to major emergencies. Environment Every day your local authority works to protect the environment by tackling pollution, managing waste, and promoting biodiversity. Heritage and architectural conservation Local authorities work to celebrate and raise awareness of the historic built environment, and protect and preserve it for generations to come. Housing Local authorities provide and manage 140,000 homes across Ireland, and deliver a range of services and supports for tenants and homeowners. Leisure and recreation Both indoors and out, local authorities provide a variety of leisure, fitness and recreation facilities for people of all ages and abilities to enjoy. Libraries Libraries are a welcoming space for everyone in the community. Find out how to join, what you can borrow, and all about the services you can use. Planning and building Discover how proper planning can benefit the entire community, what you need planning permission for, and how local authorities tackle dereliction. Roads and transport From upgrading and maintaining our roads to providing active travel infrastructure, local authorities help everyone to get from A to B. Tourism Local authorities champion sustainable tourism in their areas, and help local businesses benefit from this vibrant sector of the economy. Veterinary and animals Local authorities promote responsible ownership of dogs and horses, and inspect animal welfare and food safety at small abattoir facilities. Waste management Ensuring that all household and business waste is properly disposed of, collected, and recycled is a key responsibility for local authorities. Water services To ensure water quality and reduce flooding local authorities manage surface water drainage and inspect septic tanks and group water schemes. Share this page X Facebook WhatsApp Email Copy URL Copied!