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The Town and Village Renewal Scheme provides financial support to projects that help revitalise and regenerate towns and villages in rural Ireland.

The scheme is administered by local authorities and funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development’s Rural Development Investment Programme. 

Available to
Community Groups
Relates to
Planning and Building

Who can apply?

Groups in towns and villages with populations of 10,000 or less can submit proposals for funding under this scheme.

Proposals from towns with populations of up to 15,000 may also be considered where there is a strong need for investment and the project will have a substantial impact on the town.

What kind of projects are funded?

Projects that are funded under this scheme contribute to the economic or social vibrancy of the town or village. Examples might include projects that:

  • Enhance the streetscape
  • Create green spaces or recreational amenities in centre of the town or village
  • Provide infrastructure to support town or village markets, like farmers markets or artisan markets
  • Bring vacant and derelict buildings back into use as community spaces
  • Refurbish existing community centres

Projects must be completed within a 12 to 18 month time period.

How much is available?

The local authority can select up to five projects for funding each year:

  • One of the selected five projects can have a maximum grant of up to €500,000.
  • The four other selected projects can have a maximum grant of up to €250,000.
  • The minimum grant available is €20,000. 

How are proposals selected?

Proposals are selected in a competitive process that assesses:

  • How well the project meets the aims of the scheme
  • The rationale for the project
  • Value for money
  • How realistically the project can be achieved within the required time period

How do I apply?

Once the scheme is announced by the Department of Rural and Community Development each year, local authorities make a callout for proposals from town and village groups. 

Each local authority can select up to five proposals overall from towns and villages in the local authority area. They cannot select more than one proposal from a single town or village. 

To submit a proposal, download and complete the Expression of Interest form from your local authority's website. Check your local authority's website for full details about submitting your application, including the closing date.