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The Energy Efficiency Grant helps small businesses to invest in technologies and equipment following a Green for Micro Business Report, GreenStart Report or an SEAI energy audit. The aim of the scheme is to reduce the impact of enterprises on the environment, thereby increasing the agility and resilience of these businesses.

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Business and Economy

Who can apply?

Small enterprises (employing between 1 and 50 people) who have undertaken a Green for Micro, GreenStart or recent energy audit by an SEAI registered energy audit can apply for this grant if they meet these conditions:

  • They must have been trading for at least 6 months and have an annual turnover in excess of €30,000. 
  • They must be established, registered, and operate within the area of the Local Enterprise Office. 
  • They are not currently clients of Enterprise Ireland or the IDA.

Grants are not offered to businesses involved in activities that the Local Enterprise Office consider as ineligible and those involving an unacceptable reputational risk. For more details check with your Local Enterprise Office.

How much is available?

The grant funds 50% of eligible costs from a minimum grant of €1,000 to a maximum of €5,000. 

What can the grant be used for?

The grant is intended to improve the business’s energy efficiency and can be used on equipment upgrades, including:

  • Meters for electricity, gas, diesel, oil, water
  • Smart energy controls
  • Upgrade to LED lighting (only as part of a package of eligible cost measures)
  • Upgrade to a more energy efficient system, for example heat pumps
  • Heat recovery
  • Small wind and hydro, subject to feasibility assessment
  • Replacement of older, inefficient equipment like refrigeration units, electric steam boilers, engineering equipment and so on
  • Upgrades to system components such as variable speed drives, pumps, fans, condensers, extraction systems, cold room doors

How to apply?

To discuss a possible grant application, contact your Local Enterprise Office to request a meeting. Find their contact details here:

Learn more about your Local Enterprise Office

The Local Enterprise Office is your local first stop shop for seeking information and support on starting or growing a business in Ireland. There is a Local Enterprise Office in each local authority area. With 31 dedicated teams across the local authorities in Ireland, Local Enterprise Offices offer you a wide range of experience, skills, and services. Full details on Local Enterprise Office supports are available at