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The RD&I Fund helps businesses to develop new or substantially improved products, services or processes which will have a competitive advantage in their target market.

Support from the fund is available to small businesses through the Local Enterprise Office (LEO).

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Business and Economy

Who can apply?

LEO clients trading internationally in manufacturing or an eligible services industry can apply for support from this fund. Applicants must have adequate cash resources to implement the proposed project.

What can it be used for?

The fund must involve the resolution of some technical challenges, be non-routine, and represent a ‘step-up’ for the company in terms of the level of RD&I capability. 

Eligible costs include:

  • Salaries
  • Technical consultancy
  • Contractual research 
  • Clinical trials
  • Patent advisory costs
  • Equipment costs
  • Overheads
  • Materials

How much is available?

Grant rates depend on the company's size and inclusion of collaboration. Grants for small enterprises cover up to 45% of experimental development, or up to 60% of experimental development with collaboration (subject to effective collaboration between undertakings, for large enterprises, cross-border or with at least one SME). 

How do I apply?

Firstly speak with your LEO Business Advisor to discuss further. When you’re ready to apply, you can use the online application system. Beneficiaries must submit an application to Enterprise Ireland for support before any work on the project starts.

Learn more about your Local Enterprise Office

The Local Enterprise Office is your local first stop shop for seeking information and support on starting or growing a business in Ireland. There is a Local Enterprise Office in each local authority area. With 31 dedicated teams across the local authorities in Ireland, Local Enterprise Offices offer you a wide range of experience, skills, and services. Full details on Local Enterprise Office supports are available at