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Local authorities may provide financial support to local businesses to improve the appearance of their shop fronts and commercial properties on public streets.

Available to
Relates to
Business and Economy

This grant makes it more affordable for businesses to improve their shop fronts and contribute to the appeal of their area, making it a more attractive place to live, shop and work in.

What can the grant be used for?

The grant can be used to improve the external appearance of shops by painting the shop fronts, or by repairing or replacing shop signs.

How much is the grant for?

The amount of grant may vary by year and by local authority, however it typically covers 50% of the total cost of the enhancement work up to a given maximum. So if the total cost of the works is €1200 then the grant pays €600 and the business owner pays €600.

How to apply? 

To apply for this grant contact the economic development or business support section at your local authority. The can provide you with full details and instructions on how to apply. Note that the grant must be approved before the improvement works start.