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It’s Seachtain na Gaeilge, the annual celebration of the Irish language. This event highlights the importance of the Irish language in our daily lives and encourages communities to celebrate its use.

To help you talk about local government services more confidently in Irish, here’s a handy set of words and phrases that describe many of the things that local authorities do. You can use this list to improve your local government vocabulary, and if you’d like to increase your fluency further, you can click through the links to read the full articles in Irish.

Relates to
About Local Government
Local Government Services Seirbhísí Rialtais Áitiúil 
Arts and culture Na hEalaíona agus Cultúr
Biodiversity Bithéagsúlacht
Business and economy Gnó agus geilleagar
Climate action Gníomhú ar son na hAeráide
Community Pobal
Environment Comhshaol
Grants and funding Deontais agus maoiniú
Heritage and conservation Oidhreacht agus caomhnú
Leisure and recreation Fóillíocht agus áineas
Libraries Leabharlanna
Planning and building Pleanáil agus tógáil
Planning permission Cead pleanála
Waste management Bainistiú dramhaíola
Housing Tithíocht
Affordable housing Tithíocht inacmhainne
Grants and supports for homeowners Deontais agus tacaíochtaí d’úinéirí tí
Services for homeless people Seirbhísí do dhaoine gan dídean
Social housing supports Tacaíochtaí tithíochta sóisialta
The elected council An chomhairle tofa
Committees Coistí
Council meetings Cruinnithe na comhairle
Local elections Toghcháin áitiúla
Regional assemblies Tionóil réigiúnacha
The Cathaoirleach (or Mayor) An Cathaoirleach (nó an Méara)