2024 Local Government Customer Services Report
Since 2021, the LGMA has been responsible for an annual local government customer service research programme. This includes a national public survey and focus groups. The findings generated are used by local government to help efficiently deliver services for all members of the public.
The objective of the survey is to find out what people know about local authority services and what their views are on those services. Each year, one topic relating to service delivery is explored in detail, through additional survey questions and focus groups. In 2024, the research sought to find out what kind of experiences people were having when they engaged with local authorities, what was working well and what could be improved.
2024 Survey in Numbers
Survey sample
- 2,139 respondents took part in this survey during the period 15th April – 14th May 2024.
- RED C Research conducted the national survey using RED C’s online omnibus, the RED Line.
- Boost interviews were conducted to ensure a minimum quota of 50 persons per local authority.
- Data was weighted across gender, age, region and social class to ensure a nationally representative sample based on latest CSO 2022 Census figures.
Key facts
- Number of respondents: 2,139
- Survey Dates: April 15th to May 14th 2024
- Survey Method: REDC Omnibus Panel
Overall Survey Findings & Trend
Service awareness
- High awareness (over 70%) of local authority service provision for 15 of 29 services.
- Consistent levels of awareness across the four years.
Service satisfaction
- Satisfaction highest for library services, register of electors and cemeteries/burial grounds. Lowest satisfaction for roads.
- Decrease in satisfaction levels for 7 services in 2024.
Sources of information
- Top 3 information sources = websites, friends & neighbours and local newspapers.
- Some decreases in use noted in 2024, particularly for local newspapers at 21% compared to average of 27%.
Service use
- Most used services = recycling services, litter control and parking & road safety.
- Increase in use of library services and register of electors.
Channels of engagement
- Website was the most popular channel to engage with local authorities.
- Increases in number of channels being used by respondents.
- Highest agreement with improved online services, LA is becoming more innovative and easy to engage with LA.
- Increases in agreement with sentiments. However room for improvement noted, particularly for know work of LA well.