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The Local Government Management Agency has published the 2024 Local Government Customer Services Report. This offers a detailed picture of what people know about their local authorities, how they engage with them, and how they feel about the services provided.

Relates to
Service User Sentiment

The findings show that recycling, litter control, and parking were the most used local authority services in 2024. Public libraries received the highest satisfaction ratings, with 91 per cent of users saying they were satisfied with the service. While the popularity of digital engagement continues to grow, the report also points to the ongoing importance of in-person and traditional communication methods, particularly among older age groups and in rural areas.

Overall, the report reveals how public sentiment towards local authority services  has changed in recent years. The majority of respondents feel that online services have improved, and many agree that their local authority has become more innovative and easier to engage with than previously. Levels of satisfaction were highest among older respondents, who also reported higher overall service awareness and higher use of services such as recycling and motor tax.

As well as capturing national trends, the report explores the preferences that people have for engaging with their local authority depending on where they live. Respondents in the Connacht/Ulster region were more likely to prefer engaging in person and over the phone for example, whereas Munster respondents tended to prefer engaging through their local authority's website.

The survey was carried out between 15 April and 14 May 2024, with 2,139 respondents taking part. Boost interviews were conducted to ensure a minimum of 50 respondents per local authority area, and data was weighted across gender, age, region and social class to ensure a nationally representative sample based on the latest census figures.

The LGMA conducts this research annually to help local authorities better understand the needs and preferences of the communities they serve. The insights gathered inform ongoing improvements in service design and delivery across local government.

To download and read the full report visit the 2024 Local Government Customer Services Report page on our website's Research section.