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The Community Water Development Fund (CWDF) helps community and voluntary groups to deliver projects that improve local water quality or raise public awareness of the importance of good water quality. 

The Fund is administered by the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) on behalf of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

Available to
Community Groups
Relates to
Water Services

Who can apply?

Projects for funding may be proposed by:

  • Not-for-profit community and voluntary groups
  • Environmental non-governmental organisations
  • Rural and urban networks
  • Clubs, associations or other appropriate bodies 

The fund is open to applicants in the Republic of Ireland only. Individuals may not apply.

What can the funding be used for?

Projects that are funded by this scheme focus on improving local water quality or raising awareness of the importance of good water quality.

A variety of relevant projects have been supported since the fund was started, including river and habitat enhancement work, biodiversity action plans, and citizen science workshops.

Project ideas and case studies are provided on the LAWPRO website at

How much is available?

The amount may vary from year to year. In 2024 grants ranged from €1,000 to €25,000 per project, depending on the project’s scale.

How do I apply?

The Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) administers the fund. Every year they put a callout for applications and they post the details about it on their website:

The callout for applications includes details about the level of funding, the types of projects that will be funded, and the closing date for applications.

 If your group or organisation intends to make an application once the annual callout is made, the first step is to contact your Community Water Officer (CWO). You must contact your CWO before making your application. Their contact details will be listed on the application form.

 You should submit your completed application online before the closing date on