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Ireland’s rivers and lakes are not just beautiful – they’re essential for wildlife, recreation, and even drinking water. Protecting them is an important task and local authorities are working hard to ensure the quality of our water bodies stays high. Here we take a look at some of the ways they do this. 

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Monitoring pollution 

Local authorities monitor the quality of surface, ground and bathing waters in their areas. They watch out for chemical pollutants and they investigate the source.  When local authorities become aware of pollution in one of their waterways, they can serve a notice to the polluter. The notice outlines the steps the polluter must take to fix the problem. If the polluter doesn't take the necessary steps they can be prosecuted.  You can read more about how local authorities tackle pollution in our website's environment services page.

Controlling invasive species on local authority lands 

It’s not just chemical pollutants that can do harm in our water bodies. Invasive species are also a threat. These include plants, animals and pathogens that wouldn’t normally occur in Ireland but are here because of human activity.  They have fewer natural predators and can grow rapidly, taking over the habitats of native species and disrupting biodiversity.  

Many local authorities now have a Biodiversity Officer, part of whose job involves monitoring and controlling invasive species on local authority lands. If you come across an invasive species on local authority lands, you can report it. You'll find more information in our website's biodiversity services page.

Supporting sustainable drainage 

Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) are an important way of preventing water pollution and reducing flood risks. They do this by mimicking the drainage found in nature. The helps to reduce issues associated with conventional drainage, and it lowers the risks of flooding and contaminated rainfall runoff reaching rivers and lakes. 

Local authorities promote the use of sustainable drainage systems in new construction projects. You can read more about sustainable drainage in our article on our website's water services page.  

Septic tank inspections 

If you're a homeowner with a domestic septic tank you need to register it with your local authority. Local authorities carry out inspections of septic tanks to make sure they are working properly, because if there is a problem with the septic tank it can pollute ground or surface water. 

If a problem is detected following an inspection, a grant is available from your local authority to have the system repaired, upgraded or replaced. The grant covers 85% of the costs of getting the system fixed, up to a maximum of €12,000. Find out more on our septic tank grants page.

The Local Authority Waters Programme 

The Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) works on behalf of Ireland’s 31 local authorities to protect and restore good water quality in our rivers, lakes, estuaries, ground and coastal waters through catchment science and local community engagement. LAWPRO was established to meet the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive, and it's funded by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.  Learn more about LAWPRO on the dedicated LAWPRO website.

The Community Water Development Fund 

Local communities play a key role in protecting water quality, and the Community Water Development Fund (CWDF) provides financial support for grassroots water protection projects. 

This fund, managed by LAWPRO, enables community groups to deliver projects that improve local water quality or raise public awareness about the importance of good water quality. By empowering local communities, the fund enhances efforts to protect water bodies and prevent pollution. Learn more about it on our CWDF grants page.

Through these measures, local authorities in Ireland are committed to ensuring the long-term health of the country’s rivers and lakes. Their work not only helps to preserve Ireland’s natural beauty, it also safeguards public health and supports national and European environmental standards.