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Local authorities carry out inspections of domestic waste water treatment systems (DWWTS, otherwise known as septic tanks) to make sure that they are working properly and don't pose a risk to ground or surface water quality. If a fault has been detected in your system following a local authority inspection, you may be able to apply for a grant to have the system repaired, upgraded or replaced.

Available to
Relates to
Water Services
Fund value


Who can apply?

To apply for the grant, you will have need to have received a letter from your local authority advising you that a fault was found with your system following the inspection.

 To be eligible your house must be permanently occupied. It cannot be a holiday home.  The house must have been built at least 7 years ago, and it cannot have received a DWWTS grant in the last 7 years.

Costs for routine maintenance, servicing or de-sludging of a DWWTS do not qualify for a grant.

How much is available?

Grants cover 85% of the cost of the works required to fix your DWWTS, up to a maximum of €12,000.

How do I apply?

To apply for a DWWTS grant or to find out more, contact the rural water section of your local authority. 

When is the grant paid?

The grant is paid after the works have been satisfactorily completed.

How to contact your local authority

You will need to apply for this grant directly with your local authority. You will find their contact details here.