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The Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE) is provided by Dublin City Council as the lead statutory local authority in the response to homelessness in Dublin and adopts a shared service approach across South Dublin County Council, Fingal County Council and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. Reports are available on its website.

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To view reports on the DHRE's website click the links below.

Disclaimer: Note that clicking on the links below will take you to the DRHE's website. The content on that website is not managed by the team.

A Profile of Families Experiencing Homelessness in the Dublin Region, 2019

This report delves into the demographic and situational analysis of families experiencing homelessness in the Dublin Region in 2019. It explores the primary reasons for homelessness, including the impact of the private rental sector and family circumstances, and provides statistical insights into trends and outcomes for these families.

Interim Report on Mortality in Single Homeless Population 2020

This report reviews mortality rates among Dublin's single homeless population in 2020, highlighting difficulties in accessing complete data due to pandemic restrictions. It highlights the importance of developing accurate mortality comparisons to better understand public health impacts on homeless communities.